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Do you struggle with growing your Pinterest presence? 

I've put together a special 9-day Pinterest challenge to help you boost your Pinterest strategy in less than 2 weeks!

Pin Practical Accelerate


Are you tired of spinning your wheels when it comes to leveraging Pinterest to grow your brand?

After launching Pin Practical Masterclass in early 2017, I received dozens of questions about Pinterest from current and prospective students. One common theme kept popping up... "I am completely overwhelmed with Pinterest, it's too complicated!"

There's a lot to know when it comes to implementing a Pinterest strategy. So much, in fact, most people find themselves completely overwhelmed and don't get much further than opening a business account and applying for a few group boards. 

But seriously, it doesn't have to be hard!

I have the perfect solution for you...

Pin Practical Accelerate


A 9-Day challenge that will lead you through the exact steps you need to take to build a thriving Pinterest presence...

with absolutely NO FLUFF!

Pin Practical Accelerate is a straight forward guide and the perfect primer for building your brand on Pinterest.

  • 25-pages of no nonsense, practical advice
  • 3 video tutorials
  • 2 supplemental spreadsheets
  • Daily emails to keep you on track
  • Lifetime updates
  • $27 towards the purchase of my advanced Pinterest course, Pin Practical Masterclass
Pin Practical Accelerate

Pin Practical Masterclass Testimonial

As a business owner who caters to busy working moms, I've known that Pinterest is a great place to reach potential customers and others in my target audience. But the technology and understanding the pinning strategy on Pinterest kept me from going anywhere near that platform for business purposes for almost 2 years! When I came across Monica's Pin Practical training, I thought it was a great time to see if I could finally figure it out.  

Within just a couple of days, I was loving Pinterest! I had a keyword-rich Profile that would attract the right people (it was organized and pretty too!). I had a Tailwind account up and running, and had several weeks worth of pins scheduled out and ready to go. I had created nearly 30 pins for my own content, which had previously just been sitting un-viewed on my website. And now I have an automated process for attracting people to my opt-ins on a regular basis, so my email subscriber list has grown steadily since I started using Pinterest.  

I can't thank Monica enough for this easy-to-follow and practical training. I finally feel like I can stop banging my head against a wall to get exposure, and have a plan of action to get qualified leads to my content and my business overall. Thanks Monica!

~SARAH ARGENAL, Certified Personal Coach at Working Parent Resource

DAY 1: Let's get legit! Setting up your Pinterest business account & rich pins.  

DAY 2: It's all about those keywords, baby! Determine your pillar brand keywords & master the smart feed!  

DAY 3: Optimize your profile! Did you know your profile and boards are searchable? I'll share my #1 tip for getting your profile to work for you!  

DAYS 4-7: Images, images, and more images! Pinterest is a visual search engine, without amazing images, you cannot succeed. That's why we spend 4 whole days on this topic!  

DAY 8: Are group boards really dead? Nope! I'll show you why you need them and exactly how to get on the right ones.  

DAY 9: Automation for the win! How are you going to be present on Pinterest all day, every day? Automation-- the right way!

Pin Practical Accelerate

Follow the Pin Practical Accelerate blueprint and you'll be on your way to a rockin' Pinterest presence in less than 2 weeks!

About the Creator - Monica Froese from Redefining Mom


Monica Froese is a mom, wife, and business strategist for mom entrepreneurs. She has an MBA degree in finance and marketing and blogs at Redefining Mom, a site for helping moms build thriving online businesses. In 2015, she traveled to the White House to discuss family-friendly workplace policies with the President’s senior advisors and has been featured on several media outlets including Fox News, Scary Mommy, Healthline, and Mom Talk Radio. With her tactical approach to balancing family and online business, she helps moms build successful businesses and change their lives at the same time.